Child Specialists

The child specialist is a licensed mental health professional with specific training and experience in working with parents and children to confront and resolve issues that arise during divorce and other custody-related disputes. Because one hallmark of the Collaborative Divorce process is the goal of protecting children from emotional harm during divorce, the role of the child specialist is crucial in the Collaborative Divorce process.  The child specialist meets with each child in a family privately to provide the child with an opportunity to voice his or her concerns and feelings about the divorce or separation.  The child specialist is then able to serve as the child’s voice in the Collaborative Divorce process, providing parents and their attorneys with information about the child’s needs and interests that will guide the development of an effective co-parenting plan for the family. If your child is already actively involved with a theraputic professional, the child specialist can converse with the therapist/counselor if need be.

Here's a list of our Child Specialists: